What is a Co-op?

A food cooperative, or co-op, is a food distribution outlet owned by the people who shop at it. Because PPFC is jointly owned and democratically run, all decisions regarding production and distribution are decided by a majority of our members. Like all cooperative organizations, food co-ops are based on the values of self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. Cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. 

Co-ops operate by a democratic process; in which members vote for the board and the board hires a general manager. The general manager works toward the vision set out by the board and responds to the needs of shoppers. In some co-op structures, members share profits in years that the store is profitable; or receive special discounts and other opportunities. Co-ops aren't just grocery stores, they are local hubs in which members are deeply involved in community education and enrichment.

Eight Cooperative Principles

The Prickly Pear Food Co-op is based on the Eight Cooperative Principles:

  • Voluntary and open membership

  • Democratic member control

  • Member economic participation

  • Autonomy and independence

  • Education, training, and information

  • Cooperation among cooperative

  • Concern for community

  • Equity and Inclusion

Meet the Team